IRS to the Rescue: Form 673

IRS to the Rescue: Form 673

U.S. citizens and permanent residents who reside outside the United States can find themselves facing reporting and tax filing requirements that often seem daunting. Fortunately, the IRS has provided ways to make life just a little bit easier for these individuals....
IRS to the Rescue: Form 2350

IRS to the Rescue: Form 2350

U.S. citizens and permanent residents who reside outside the United States can find themselves facing reporting and tax filing requirements that often seem daunting. Fortunately, the IRS has provided ways to make life just a little bit easier for these individuals....
The Disappearing ITIN

The Disappearing ITIN

For individuals with U.S. tax filing obligations who are not eligible for a Social Security Number, the IRS issues a similar number called an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). ITINs are distinguished from Social Security Numbers in that they begin with...
Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

This final installment of this blog series will discuss taxpayers who willfully have not disclosed foreign accounts or paid taxes. Taxpayers who want assurance that they will not be subject to criminal liability and/or substantial monetary penalties should consider...