Identity Protections PINs

Identity Protections PINs

What is an IP PIN? Identity Protection PINs (IP PINs) are a six-digit number assigned to an individual to prevent someone else from filing a tax return under that individual’s social security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). This PIN...
Employee Benefit Plan Administration and Tips

Employee Benefit Plan Administration and Tips

As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to ensure that your organization’s processes are in order, particularly in areas critical to retirement plan compliance and administration. Below, we highlight several key areas that demand attention and share the...
Cultivating Both Sides of Your Medical Practice

Cultivating Both Sides of Your Medical Practice

World-class patient care is no doubt the ultimate goal of your practice. But you can’t provide excellent care if your practice isn’t operating well, too. The business side of your practice must be strong and efficient enough to sustain and support the care you offer...
Considerations in Practice Valuation

Considerations in Practice Valuation

At some point, you might consider selling your medical practice. There are many considerations, including continuity of patient care — and, if you’re retiring, perhaps emotional issues connected with leaving patients, and practice itself, behind. From a financial...
Tips for Solving Common Medical Practice Issues

Tips for Solving Common Medical Practice Issues

Medical practices aren’t immune from recurring problems and challenges. Even when the concerns that arise are familiar and seem to have been solved in the past, they can rear their ugly heads again periodically if you’re not vigilant. Issues of time management, cash...