International Tax Services

Visit our International Tax Blog for an in-depth look at a variety of international tax topics.

Whether you are an individual or a business, it is critical that you understand the complex U.S. tax and disclosure rules that pertain to foreign investments and transactions.

Sciarabba Walker has assisted both individuals and businesses with tax reporting issues related to the ownership of foreign assets, receipt of income from abroad, and foreign financial transactions. Our International Tax Group is knowledgeable and up to date with the latest rules and regulations in this area. Some of the areas of expertise include:

Businesses and Business owners

  • Consulting for international business expansion
  • U.S. employees working abroad
  • Foreign employees and independent contractors
  • Foreign owners and investors
  • ECTI withholding for foreign partners or LLC members
  • FDAP withholdings for payments to foreign persons
  • FBAR filing requirements
  • Treaty benefits
  • Controlled foreign corporations
  • Transfer pricing issues
  • Foreign tax credits
  • Disclosures related to ownership in a foreign corporation
  • Disclosures related to transactions with affiliated foreign corporations


  • Professors on sabbatical leave overseas
  • Foreign individuals working in the U.S.
  • U.S. residents with foreign investments
  • Ownership of real property in a foreign county
  • Receipt of foreign inheritance
  • FBAR filing requirements
  • Treaty benefits
  • Sale of U.S. real estate by nonresident alien
  • PFIC tax and reporting issues
  • Income tax reporting of worldwide income
  • Estate planning for noncitizen spouses
  • Nonresident alien estates
  • Expatriation
  • U.S. citizens living in a foreign country




We are a proud member of PrimeGlobal, one of the five largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world. Through our PrimeGlobal membership, we can refer you to reputable accounting firms throughout the globe should you need tax advice or have filing requirements in a foreign county.

PrimeGlobal even offers a series of comprehensive guides to doing business in numerous countries around the world, free of charge to the public! You can view these guides over on the PrimeGlobal site.

If you have any issues or concerns in the above areas, please contact the International Tax Group at Sciarabba Walker for expert guidance.


Recent International Tax Blogs

PFICs: Look-Through Rules

PFICs: Look-Through Rules

In the previous posts we introduced the passive foreign investment company (PFIC) rules and discussed how they are treated for taxation purposes. We touched on how to determine if a fund is a PFIC and the most common type of PFIC. In this post we'll describe the...

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PFICs: Taxation Methods

PFICs: Taxation Methods

In our last post we introduced the complex international tax issues of passive foreign investment companies (PFICs) and gave a brief background on the regulations. In this blog post we'll briefly discuss the various methods of taxation and how to make certain...

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Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs)

Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs)

Most tax issues can be difficult to navigate and understand; however, there is one set of regulations in particular that is especially complex. In the realm of international tax issues are the passive foreign investment company (PFIC) regulations, which came about as...

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