The Difficulty of Valuing Virtual Currency

The Difficulty of Valuing Virtual Currency

More investors than ever are contemplating adding virtual currency to their portfolio. Whether you are curious about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Facebook’s recent entry Libra, or any of the thousands of other virtual currencies available now, you may be thinking it is time for...

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Statement to Clients

Please read our updated precaution statement by clicking here. Regarding the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), until further notice Sciarabba Walker will be taking the following precautions: All staff will be given the option to work from home starting...
Net Operating Losses After the TCJA

Net Operating Losses After the TCJA

Among the many changes brought about by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are changes to the calculations of Net Operating Losses on individual income tax returns. Losses arising in tax years ending after 2017 can generally only be carried forward (the carry-forward...