Jun 27, 2017 | Firm Updates, Individual Tax, Tax Tips
Summer is a popular time to move, whether it’s so the kids do not have to change schools mid-school-year, to avoid having to move in bad weather, or simply because it can be an easier time to sell a home. Unfortunately, moving can be expensive. The good news is that...
Jun 26, 2017 | Firm Updates, International Tax
Last week we began the story of John and Jane Farkle, U.S. citizens who had decided to expatriate (i.e., renounce their U.S. citizenship) after becoming disillusioned with the U.S. political climate. Unfortunately, the more they learned about the expatriation process...
Jun 20, 2017 | Firm Updates, Small Business
Here are some of the key tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and other employers during the third quarter of 2017. Keep in mind that this list isn’t all-inclusive, so there may be additional deadlines that apply to you. Contact us to ensure you are meeting all...
Jun 19, 2017 | Firm Updates, International Tax
Over the last couple of weeks we have been discussing the expatriation process. A citizen or long-term resident who wishes to permanently sever ties with the United States (i.e. expatriate) must take certain legal steps and pay any taxes due to the United States....
Jun 13, 2017 | Firm Updates, Individual Tax
The tax consequences of the sale of an investment, as well as your net return, can be affected by a variety of factors. You’re probably focused on factors such as how much you paid for the investment vs. how much you’re selling it for, whether you held the investment...